Monday 6 August 2012

Tips For Staying Motivated!

Ok so we all have hard times when setting out to reach a fitness goal.  It is not going to be easy and there will be times where your frustrated and want to give up, but know this is normal and we all feel this at times.  Yes even Dan The Man!  I myself have a coach that helps me when I have doubts with my own goals.  Also have a social network of friends that support you in your goals.  They can be friends, family, girlfriend, boyfriend whoever just know that who you hang around will effect your goals in a negative or positive way.  Look to this social network for support when your struggling instead of emotional eating or even just as bad trying to cut corners by under eating or overtraining when you are down.  This will not help you reach your goals faster.  When Im am feeling down I try and shift my mindset to something positive or just tell myself to be awesome!!

Something that has helped me stay on track a lot is to track my progress.  I myself like to have progress pictures to show my results.  These provide a far better test than jumping on the scale and becoming obsessed over a number.  How you look and feel will prove better measure than numbers!

Lastly I would make a list of pros and cons of changing a lifestyle habit.  For example I had a client who had a sweet tooth (dont't we all at times)  We made a list of all the Positive changes that came as a result of cutting sweets out of her diet.
  • a positive change in body composition.
  • better health and less chances of disease like diabetes.
  • More confidence and a more positive self image.
  • Happier and more outgoing personality as a result of feeling better about her self image.
  • weight loss
  • felt healthier overall and didn't crash in the middle of the afternoon anymore
  • craving diminished
  • saved money that used to spent on cakes, pastries and even sugary drinks like soda.  All these things add up!
  • this list went on for a while!
And the Negative 
  • Well had to give up sweets and turn down desserts at dinner outings and yeah that was about it.
When you make this list and see the pros far out way the cons it is a lot easier to stay on track and think of the list when you reach for something that puts you further away from your goals.  Remember this change doesn't have to be food related.  Maybe your goal one week is to get more rest or take more time for yourself!

  I was a lot more focused when I stopped comparing myself to other people..  Compare yourself to nobody but you.  There will always be someone out there that is in better shape than you so don't let that be what you always compare yourself against.  Look at your own small progresses from week to week and be happy about them.  Maybe this week you trained harder than ever.  Or beat personal best in your sprints.  Whatever it is remember to celebrate and recognize your accomplishments!  If your always focused on the end goal you will overlook the small successes you have along the way!

As always Dan The Man appreciates any feedback and questions you may have.  Follow him on facebook a

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