Wednesday 4 April 2012

Dan The Man’s Myth Busters! Myth #1- Spot Reduction!

People have been led to believe by the media trying to sell gimmicks that certain exercises will burn fat in certain areas.  We all remember the "Thigh Master", who go skinnier thighs from using that?  For example doing a thousand crunches and other abdominal exercises will drop body fat in your abdominal area right?...No this is ridiculous and doesn’t work!, Here’s why;

            This is a myth known as “spot reduction” and will not work.  Fat stored in the abdominal region, known as adipose tissue cannot be burned by the body until it is converted into Free Fatty Acids (FFA) by the liver witch when metabolized create large quantities of ATP; which provides energy for the body.  For this to take place your body needs to be burning more calories than are being consumed.  Unfortunately fat is lost on the entire body and is genetically determined where it will be burned from first.  Diet and exercise will reduce ENTIRE body fat not just from one place. 
         The truth is you have no more control over where you lose body fat from than you did over where you gained it!         

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